Great Northern Classics, 274-278 Osmaston Road, Derby DE24 8AE

When using Apple Maps, the pinpoint may take you to the incorrect location on Osmaston PARK Road, we are located on Osmaston Road.

WHAT3WORDS: little.slows.loudly

Telephone: 01332 412 900


    For more information about our project or for information on how to invest in the project, please use the form below.

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    ** By Opting in you consent to Great Northern Classics Ltd contacting you regarding future events and news. GNC and our suppliers won’t share these details except as required by law. You may unsubscribe at any time.


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    Risk Warning

    Investing in Great Northern Classics Limited may place your capital at risk and is illiquid in nature. We do not provide any advice and recommend you seek professional advice. You may lose part or all of the amount you invest in us. As a new company, the value of Great Northern Classics Limited’s shares can be volatile, and the shares can be difficult to sell. The tax reliefs associated with any investments depend on the individual circumstances of each investor and may be subject to change. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Our forecasts and performance targets cannot accurately predict how Great Northern Classics Limited will perform. Investments should only be made on consideration of the full information memorandum and the detailed risk factors contained therein.

    By clicking ‘Confirm’, I agree that I understand the risks associated with investment in Great Northern Classics Limited and I meet the requirements of one of the following categories of investor:

    • Investment professionals under Article 19 of the FSMA (Financial Promotions) Order 2005 (“FPO”);

    • Certified high net worth individuals under Article 48 of the FPO;

    • High net worth companies, unincorporated associations etc. under Article 49 of the FPO;

    • Sophisticated investors under Article 50 of the FPO; and

    • Self-certified sophisticated investors under Article 50A of the FPO.
